Cedar's First Grouse!

The leaves have finally dropped and pulling the trigger has become a reality instead of wishful thinking. The early season has been frustrating to say the least, but looks like it is game on from here on out.

Cedar has really stepped it up, learning a great deal in the alder runs and along the marsh edges, intercepting woodcock as they put down their landing gear on the way south. Along with nearly a hundred wild grouse contacts since last fall, the Timberdoodle has proven invaluable in staunching up the young lad and primed him for 'ol ruff, now that we can actually see them attempt to make their escape. Never dreamed he would have so much natural ability.

We hunted a knarly, overgrown orchard this morning with a smattering of buckthorn and young beech and elm. We managed to put two on the ground over beautiful points. At sixteen months, an infant in the grouse woods, with any luck he may just be the one my buddies and I are talking about in our golden years. We shall see.

My Buddy Joe with proud pup!

The Salmon Have Arrived

Was able to hit the river for a few hours yesterday and swing some soft hackles, this is what we found. Gotta love short sleeves and Cohos...Heading back up for another morning session!

September Scouting

Pup and I walked a familliar cover this morning, feels good to be back in the brush after an unusally warm summer here. The soft maples are turning red, Chestnuts are dropping leaves and apples are on the ground. Gravity always prevails.

Looks like the fruit bearing trees and shrubs profited from the high humidity this year.

Tons of Honeysuckle

The edges have filled out nice as well

Apple Bottom. One of our favorites.
Trailhead marker
Someone's feeble attempt to spook me out of the cover,it almost worked.

Cedar had several grouse finds this morning and a pair of nice points. Steady to flush? Not even close, but boy it sure is a pretty three seconds. Guess I'm going to have to walk fast this season. Seven young birds got up out of here like bottle rockets, blew his little mind to pieces and scared me half to death.
He did manage to relocate one of them, had to use the zoom on this one.

Heading home.

Tired Setter.


Always look forward to getting up to the 'Dacks a couple of times each year. It was great to have the pup along, he had a blast...think he actually summited twice. Was in my teens the last time I did this climb, I swear the mountain has become steeper over the last dozen years. Good times indeed.

A little drowsy on top.

Holding down the fort.

Sleeping in the dirt.

Maine - "The way life should be"

Ran up to Maine a few weeks back to visit some old friends. We stuffed ourselves with lobster and other assorted shellfish. Spent a day on the coast throwing sand eel patterns for Stripers and then pushed North for a bit of Trout fishing. We were able to capture some nice imagery...A spectacular place indeed. Nice editing and great tune J-bone...see you in the fall!

Partners in Crime

Seeing that the weather was mild today we decided to take the boys out for a romp. We took care to avoid the birdy tangles and stuck to the hardwoods to give the broods some breathing room. Caddis is my good friend Nate's Golden. At 15 months he is showing great potential from the duck blind and displayed quite a propensity for scaring up grouse last season!

Upper Delaware River

I surmise you have to do something in the off season other than field work with setters. Like so many others, I choose to fly fish. It seems as if fly fishing, double guns and upland hunting are synonymous within the tangled web we weave.