September Scouting

Pup and I walked a familliar cover this morning, feels good to be back in the brush after an unusally warm summer here. The soft maples are turning red, Chestnuts are dropping leaves and apples are on the ground. Gravity always prevails.

Looks like the fruit bearing trees and shrubs profited from the high humidity this year.

Tons of Honeysuckle

The edges have filled out nice as well

Apple Bottom. One of our favorites.
Trailhead marker
Someone's feeble attempt to spook me out of the cover,it almost worked.

Cedar had several grouse finds this morning and a pair of nice points. Steady to flush? Not even close, but boy it sure is a pretty three seconds. Guess I'm going to have to walk fast this season. Seven young birds got up out of here like bottle rockets, blew his little mind to pieces and scared me half to death.
He did manage to relocate one of them, had to use the zoom on this one.

Heading home.

Tired Setter.


  1. Looks like some productive covers!!

  2. Looks real nice, I like that scary coconut idea. Ill have to use that in some of my coverts. :)

  3. Lots of nooks and corners in that piece. The coconut was super creepy. I'll be back, with a double in hand next time!

  4. Hey David

    That Cedar's a handsome fellow. Good to hear that you found some grouse in your coverts. I have an isolated piece of creek that I enjoy fishing one a year that has several dolls handing from trees with tacks in their eyes, creepy indeed.

  5. Thanks Rick, he is coming along quite well. Hope to put his first ruff down for him in a couple weeks, very excited. Dolls in the woods are always unsettling, just so out of place I guess.
